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醫護之選 — 健康品牌成就大獎2021

Healthcare Professionals' Choice-Extraordinary Healthcare Brand Awards 2021

目的 Award Purpose



The outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020 has aroused Hong Kong public attention toward their own health, which also increased the demand and requirements for health-related products.

At the same time, many health-related companies have dedicated themselves to providing high-quality healthcare-related products and excellent public services. They’ve committed to promoting a healthy work environment and caring for the health and safety of their employees within their companies, while externally undertaking the social responsibilities to promote a healthy community and contributing to maintaining a healthier Hong Kong society.

The Hong Kong Consortium for Medical and Healthcare Development and experts team is holding the " Healthcare Professionals' Choice-Extraordinary Healthcare Brand Awards

2021" through various media and platforms to encourage and commend the contributions of companies in the health-related field and the promotion of health culture in the past year.


香港醫療護理發展協會會長 汪國成教授 JP

香港藥學服務基金主席 蔣秀珠女士


商務及經濟發展局副局長 陳百里博士 JP

港九勞工社團聯會-香港保健員協會主席 文錦麗姑娘

中小企國際聯盟-安老及殘疾服務聯會主席 李伯英先生

亞洲醫療復康及預防醫學聯會創會董事兼學術總監 陳海聰醫生

(From left)

-Chairperson of the Hong Kong Consortium For Medical, Nursing And Healthcare Development, Prof. Thomas Wong, JP

-Director of the Hong Kong Pharmaceutical Care Foundation, Ms S.C. Chiang

-Vice Principal of the Hong Kong Nang Yan College of Higher Education Dr. Peter Keung

-Under Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, Dr. CHAN Pak Li, Bernard, JP

-Chairperson of the Hong Kong Health Workers Association from The Federation of Hong Kong and -Kowloon Labour Unions, Ms. Man Kam Lai

-Chairperson of the SME Global Alliance Elderly and Special Needs Services Association, Mr. Richard Lee

-Founding Director and Academic Director of the Asian Federation of Rehabilitation & Preventive Medicine, Dr. Chan Hoi Chung, Samuel



  • 商務及經濟發展局副局長 陳百里博士, JP

  • 香港藥學服務基金主席 蔣秀珠女士


  • 中小企國際聯盟-安老及殘疾服務聯會

  • 港九勞工社團聯會—香港保健員協會

  • 亞洲醫療復康及預防醫學聯會

  • 香港能仁專上學院


Host: Hong Kong Consortium for Medical, Nursing and Healthcare Development

Officiating Guests:

  • Under Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Bureau Dr. CHAN Pak Li, Bernard, JP

  • Director of the Hong Kong Pharmaceutical Care Foundation Ms S.C. Chiang

Support Organizations:

  • SME Global Alliance Elderly and Special Needs Services Association

  • Hong Kong Health Workers Association from The Federation of Hong Kong and Kowloon Labour Unions

  • The Asian Federation of Rehabilitation & Preventive Medicine

  • Hong Kong Nang Yan College of Higher Education

Investigation and Coordinating Agency: Hong Kong Healthcare Market Research and Consulting Limited

主辦 Host

支持機構 Support Organizations

調查及統籌 Investigation and Coordinating

媒體及發布 Media and Press Release

評審準則 Assessment Criteria

  • 產品/服務質素如何?通過檢測/認證/其他獎項?品牌策略及管理

  • 推動健康成就-曾否參與或支持社區健康推廣活動?對於公眾健康的貢獻

  • 核心價值-公司內部有推廣健康的文化嗎?鼓勵員工如健康福利、健康知識培訓、健康工作文化/設施

  • How is the quality of the product/service? Any product testing certification/certification/other awards? Brand strategy and management;

  • Promote health achievements-Has ever supported community health promotion activities? Contributions to public health;

  • Core Value-Is there a culture to promote health within the company? Support employees with health benefits, health knowledge training, healthy work culture/facilities

2021年度獲獎名單 Winner List 2021


Ms. Anne Heung




Health Aims




Meiga Health


Hair Forest

細胞營養產品品牌大獎:龍騰瑞士國際集團有限公司-Fit Solution 細胞營養

Total Swiss International Group Ltd- Fit Solution Cellular Nutrition


Prokentide Biotechnology


Puffin Fish Oil


Annie Gourmet

成人營養奶粉品牌大獎:Fortimel 金裝能全素


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