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任何人士或機構如在事前未獲得本會的授權,轉載或使用本會的文件、圖片或以本會的名義作任何用途,本會將保留一切向有關人士或機構追究的權利。如市民接獲任何懷疑來電及訊息,請即聯絡本會(電話或WhatsApp:5939 1443)查詢確認。

As medicine and technology advanced, we began to see many health issues that required interdisciplinary effort. Thanks to the dedication of healthcare professionals, and although the pandemic is not yet over, it is presently under control.
The MNHD is a registered charity under section 88 (code: 91/17783) aiming to bring together healthcare professionals who are dedicated to social services. Through their professionalism and experience, we can enhance the quality of the healthcare sector and further promote community health and care for society. We are committed to promoting the development of preventive medicine through educational publications, health and medical seminars, surveys and press releases. We continually reinforce the health knowledge of the public via focus groups, research and patient support teams.